All the schools on our website are available to order online for delivery or collection from our shop. Find your school to check if they are also stocked in our shop at Kingston Park.
Our service to schools
We currently offer 3 services to our schools of which they can choose whichever they want or use them all.
You can have your own school web page for parents & the school itself to use to order uniform. The school can pay at the end of ordering or select for it to be invoiced to them.
If you prefer a bulk order this can be dispatched direct to the school if you want to sell uniform yourself & don't require a school web page.
Bulk orders can also be individually bagged by us for each child to save you sorting uniform at the school.
We currently don't offer any personalised embroidery or print with on line orders but if you require uniform with the children's initials on this can be provided direct to school.
It's up to you whatever you want to use or if you have an alternative we will be happy to meet your requirements.